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Now, More Than Ever, Customers Need A Reason To Come Out To Your Venue. 

(And we have made it easier than ever for you to get started again!)


Wow, what a crazy time right now in the world. The good news is we are starting to take steps to getting back to normal...which means being able to get poker customers back in your venue!


We fully understand how hard we have all been hit by this shutdown - and we have put together a wonderful plan to reopen with YOUR SITUATION AS OUR TOP PRIORITY!


This includes FULL CREDITS for weeks paid but not run, Deep Discounts as your reopen, working with those who may have fallen behind, and Big Changes for the poker customers to support your venue even more.


Please take a few moments to read through (and/or watch the video) and do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. Someone on our team will be reaching out to you soon to discuss the restart of your poker promotion.


It's going to be a tough road ahead, but as long as we all work together we are going to get through it!


Cheers to a successful second half of the year!


Mike Matsinger & The Entire World Tavern Team


If you have paid for weeks that you were not able to run because of the shutdown, we are providing you that # of weeks before billing will begin again.



We understand that we have all been put under financial stress, so if you restart your promotion in June, we will only be charging you 1/2 price.



We are instituting a few new rules for the poker customers playing at your venue including,


  • No Loitering 

  • Behavior Policies

  • Social Distancing Guidelines 



No Loitering Policy

We are working with each of you to see if you have or would like to institute a No Loitering Policy. We will highlight that on our schedule.


Behavior Policies

We have instructed our venues and Tournament Directors that we are implementing a Zero Tolerance for bad behavior including, but not limited to; foul language, loud outbursts, and berating other players, staff, or Tournament Directors. Remember, most of these venues are at a limited capacity, so if you are taking away from the spirit of the game, then you will not be invited back.


Health & Safety

In order to provide as safe of an environment as possible, we have suggested the following guidelines in the next section to be put in place during tournaments. PLEASE keep in mind that each state's laws and guidelines differ so if there is a rule, you must follow it.


Signed Agreements

In order to participate in any tournament, each player will be required to sign their acknowledgment of these new policies. 


Limited Seating Adjustments

Most venues will have limited seating for poker which means that seats will be available on a first to register policy. As well;


  • No Loitering - Most of our venues have implemented a NO LOITERING policy. Please remember that these venues have been hit with the hardest financial times they have ever faced, so if you are not a customer of the venue, please stay home.


  • Zero Tolerance For Bad Behavior - Over the last few months we haven't been able to play the game we love with our poker family...please be grateful for having that back. If you are taking away from the spirit of the game by instigating, berating or just a generally bad attitude towards players, staff and other patrons, then you will not be invited back.


  • Customer Agreement Each participant will be required to sign an agreement ensuring they agree to the current guidelines to play at that venue. 


  • Online Registration will open no more than 24 hours prior to the tournament (sometimes as little as 2 hours prior) as a way to ensure that those who register do plan to attend.


  • 15 Minute Early Arrival - If you are not at the venue and checked in 15 minutes prior to the tournament, your seat may be given away to walk-ins.


  • Supporting The Staff - The venue's staff is not only working hard for you, but many are also putting themselves in harm's way by serving you. Show your support for them through your behavior and your tipping. 15%-20% is the standard and we know we are all well above the standard!  Be Generous!


  • Tournament Structures - You may see adjustments to starting stacks and blind times and this will vary from venue to venue. Please understand that each venue is a unique situation so be open-minded to what they have decided to implement.


No Loitering Icon.png
Customer Agreement.png

Staying Healthy

It is our social responsibility to be respectful of other people's health. Please do your part.


  • If You Are Sick, Please Stay Home - Please be socially conscious to others around you. If you are not feeling well, please stay home. There's always next week to play.


  • Use A Fork -We ask that you use a fork while eating during the game, no hands in food please.


  • Share Your Sanitizer - If you have sanitizer, please bring and share. One great idea is to use a Sanitizer Bottle as a dealer button and each time you have the button, you need to sanitize!


  • Wash Hands Often - 20 seconds each time, before and in between games. And of course, whenever you use the bathroom. 


  • Help Us Sanitize - Please lend a hand before, between, and after games sanitizing the table covers and keeping the area clean.


  • Respect The Guidelines And Other Patrons - We have seen it in public, everyone is keeping their distance, then there is that ONE PERSON who doesn't follow guidelines and ruins it for everyone. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL of social distancing and the guidelines enforced by the venue and your Tournament Director.



Ok, this might be a bit confusing, so please read carefully. Because venues will begin playing again at different times, we have decided to make the majority of qualifications at the bar level. This ensures everyone is competing on a level playing field. 


As well, players who were ranked at the adjusted qualified levels BEFORE the shutdown will qualify AND the players who are ranked at these levels at the end of the season will ALSO QUALIFY.  




  • No Minimum Games Required to compete in your Tavern Championship HOWEVER you must have a ranking (above 0 points).


  • Prizes Will Be Limited due to financial restrictions of the season. We will provide more details once we have them. 


  • No Mid-Season Championships as there were not enough games played.




  • No Regional Championships for the current season as there are simply too many challenges with dates, venues, and social distancing guidelines. We will however host a large online event allowing more players to qualify for the National Championships.  Also, if your Region was unable to host a Championship Event last season due to the shutdown, we will do our best to reschedule them IF AT ALL POSSIBLE




For the National Finals and Semi-Finals, the monthly online venues will count in the qualifications below.


  • Top 3 Ranked Players at your venue will qualify for the NATIONAL FINALS in Las Vegas.


  • Top 10% Ranked Regionally will also qualify for the NATIONAL FINALS in Las Vegas.




  • Players Ranked 7-10 at your venue will qualify for the NATIONAL SEMI FINALS in Las Vegas.


  • 11%-30% Ranked Regionally will also qualify for the NATIONAL SEMI FINALS in Las Vegas.



We know there are going to be more questions, in the meantime please bear with us and do remember that we are very short-staffed right now. We truly appreciate everyone's patience during this challenging time!

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