World Tavern Poker Online has a NEW WEBSITE with all the details on NEW Promotions - over $25,000 in prizes and 24 Major Event seats are NOW ON THE LINE!

are you ready?
Over 1,400 players have joined us online - are you? Keep an eye out as we have changes and new additions coming out every month!
This is a great way to not only support the League but to also continue playing the game we love while staying connected to our poker family.
NOTE! You must FIRST click Join Now to choose your plan. After you complete that process you can go to Member Login.
Compete At Different Online Bars, 7 Days A Week... Right From Your Sofa!

here's how it works
World Tavern Poker ONLINE is a monthly subscription that gives you the opportunity to play in nearly 200 Tournaments a month, compete for great prizes, earn National Ranking points, and support the League and the WTP community during this downtime.
Daily Tournaments
We will have a minimum of 6 Tournaments every day that Pro subscribers can play in. Most tournaments will follow the World Tavern Poker regular structure, but a few will have some twists such as deepstack and rebuy events.
We have created 6 online Bars for each day of the week. In essence, each tournament of the day is it's own online bar and online Tavern Ranking.
For example, the 12:00pm game each day is for the Noonerz Sports Grille online bar. You will be competing at each individual online bar to qualify for the monthly Championship event.
Points & Rankings
The Top 30 in each tournament will receive points that will go towards that venue's Online Tavern Ranking as well as your National Ranking (50-player point cap per game, to keep online play consistent for the play at live bars).
Click here for the FULL points system. Any points game that has at least 50 players will use this points breakdown.
PLUS! The Top 3 from each qualifying tournament will also qualify for the next online TOC (once the league is fully reopened).
Scores will be updated within 24-48 hours of each game. Each online bar's ranking will appear in your My Rankings page on the WTP website just like a normal bar ranking.
Setting Up Your Account
For both the Free and Pro accounts, you will need to make sure your Online Player Name is listed correctly in your WORLD TAVERN player profile. If you do not do this, we will have no idea who you are to award points! See "THE PROCESS" below for more details on what to do after purchasing your subscription.
The Prizes
Prizes are awarded in the monthly Championship event. The Top 15 players in the event win some great prizes! A full list can be found further down on this page (or click here to go there directly).
Registering For Games
Just register on the Online Software for any game you wish to play. As long as your Online Player Name is correctly listed in your WTP Player Profile, you NO LONGER NEED TO REGISTER on the World Tavern Poker website!
The Championships/Qualifying
On the 3rd Sunday of each month at 5 pm EST, we will host the monthly online Championship event with great prizes!
Players will qualify for the online Championship event similar to how you qualify for the Regional Championships.
Top 20 Ranked Players At Each Online Venue
Top 30% Ranked Players In The Online Region
getting started
World Tavern Pro
For $25 you will have access to play in nearly 200 online events in a single month WITH NO LIMITATIONS!
This is absolutely the fastest path to the Championships, Prizes, upgrading your National Ranking, and certainly having the most fun.
Free Version
Play in 3 tournaments a week;
Mon/Wed/Fri @ 3pm.
You will still receive points for all 3 games if you finish in the Top 30.
Please note that if you choose the free option, and decide to upgrade, it could take up to 2 days for your account to be updated.
All World Tavern Online plans require a credit or debit card to create an account.
Want to join the PRO version but want to see how the software works first? NO PROBLEM! All PRO ACCOUNTS will be given a full day to try it out before your card is charged!
GOT A QUESTION? Please check out the FAQs below first, then if need more help you can email
The Process
STEP 1. Select the PRO or FREE version above
STEP 2. Complete the Registration and Payment pages
STEP 3. Follow the link on your confirmation email
Please Note: YOU DO NOT NEED A VALIDATION CODE when logging into the online site.
Registering For Tournaments
STEP 1. Go to, log in, and go to your Player Profile. Please list your Online Player Name in the correct field and click SUBMIT at the bottom. If you skip this step, you will not receive points!
STEP 2. Click here to register for the tournament on the software site.
STEP 3. Click on the tournament you would like to play and click REGISTER.
NOTE: There are all kinds of cool settings you can adjust, so play around with it. You can also check out the User's Guide with more details on the settings.
The Rules
The Prizes
Regular WTP rules on behavior apply. Anyone found to be berating other players via chat will be issued a warning to stop. If it persists, they will be subject to dismissal from all Online events without refund.
Players start each online game with 15,000-25,000 in chips and blinds will run 12-15 minutes along with the standard WTP structure unless otherwise noted.
NOTE: Feel free to post selfies of yourself in your WTP gear while playing online! Click here to post directly to our Facebook page.
During play, you can hover over where your cards were to see them after folding (or pressing the screen where the cards were on mobile).
You can play in multiple tournaments at one time. Each game opens inside the same browser tab. You can move the games around the screen on a desktop/laptop. On mobile, there is a "next" option to switch between active tables.
Each Online Championship offers prizes for the top 15 finishers. We know not everyone can make it to the WLPC in Vegas this fall, so we have given you the option of packages or electronics!
1st Place: 2020 WLPC VIP Package OR 65" Samsung SmartTV (up to $750 prize value)
VIP PACKAGE includes 5 nights hotel (Sat-Thur) and (2) VIP All-Access Passes
2nd Place: 2020 WLPC Hotel Package OR Sony PS4 Gaming System (up to $500 prize value)
Hotel Package includes 4 nights hotel (Sun-Thur) and (2) All-Access Passes.
3rd Place: 2020 WLPC Hotel Package OR Samsung Galaxy Smart Watch (up to $350 prize value)
Hotel Package includes 3 nights hotel (Mon-Thur) and (1) All-Access Pass
4th Place: 2 WLPC Access Passes and WLPC Main Event Buy-in OR Ring Video Doorbell (up to $300 prize value)
5th thru 8th Place: 2 2020 WLPC Access Passes OR $100 Gift Card (up to $170 prize value)
9th thru 15th Place: 1 2020 WLPC Access Pass or $50 Gift Card (up to $85 prize value)
The Online Taverns & Schedules
Remember: You will be competing each day in online venues where you will receive points, rankings and the chance to advance to the monthly Championship. All games below COUNT FOR POINTS!
All Times Below Are Eastern
Noonerz Bar & Grill
12:00pm - 7 Days a Week
15k Stack / 15 min blinds
Day Drinkers' Tiki Bar
3:00pm - 7 Days a Week
15k Stack / 15 min blinds
Hannah's Bar
5:00pm - Monday thru Friday
Variant changes each day! (Omaha, Razz, Pot Limit Omaha, Stud, and more)
15k Stack / 15 min blinds
5:30pm - Saturday & Sunday (Double-Up Saloon)**
25k Stack / 15 min blinds
**= Will not run on Sundays when Champ events take place
The Twisted River Pub
7:00pm - 7 Days a Week
15k Stack / 12 min blinds
The Muck Lounge
9:30pm - 7 Days a Week
Rebuy Tournament
15k Stack / 12 min blinds
1 Rebuy for the first hour
The Alligator Bar
11:30pm - 7 Days a Week
Deepstack Tournament
25k Stack / 15 min blinds
Weekend Warrior's Sports Pub
Saturday & Sunday
8:00am - Standard Tournament
15k Stack / 15 min blinds
30 Min Late Registration
10:00am - Speed Poker Tournament
15k Stack / 12 min blinds
15 Min Late Registration
1:00pm - Omaha Variations
Sat = Pot Limit / Sun = NL Omaha
15k Stack / 12 min blinds
30 Min Late Registration
Please keep in mind that we will be updating the site often and making adjustments as needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need a Credit Card to choose the free version?
By implementing this policy, it will eliminate people trying to disrupt the game by joining under multiple free accounts and playing recklessly over and over again. Click here for the full Terms and Conditions for more information.
Do I have to register on the World Tavern website like I would for a game at my bar AND sign up for games on the Online Software?
No! As long as your Online Player Name is listed correctly in your WTP player profile, all you have to do is sign into the Online Software, pick and game, and register there.
How often am I charged for the PRO version?
This is a monthly subscription that will be automatically billed every 30 days (from the day you joined).
How do I cancel or make changes to my Membership?
Simply CLICK HERE and log in to your online account to make any changes to your membership or payment options.
I finished in the Top 30 of an online league game. Why didn’t I get my points?
We cannot stress this enough: you must list your Online Player Name correctly in your WTP Player Profile.
Is this software mobile friendly?
YES! Almost all of the features are the same no matter what device you use to play. Obviously, mobile device use will be slightly different from playing on a desktop or laptop (iPhones have some challenges because they don't work with frames well). Remember, use the software's buttons to access different areas. Hitting your browser's back button may log you out!
Why are points capped at the 50-player maximum?
Since points earned in Online games count towards National Rankings, we wanted to be fair to your local bars once they resume play.
I want to register for future Online games all at once. Why can’t I?
Registration will be open 4 hours prior to the event start time for all Online games.
STILL HAVE A QUESTION? Use the Live Chat Feature or send us an email: