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Bonus Chips!

Dec 22, 2022

Hello everyone,

We are realizing that a lot of players are not pre-registering for events. Instead, they are relying on the TD to do the work for them.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE: Be sure to pre-register for every event. It is technically a requirement with the league as it lets the venue know how many players to expect - and makes the TDs job sooooo much easier!

In January, you will start seeing that the Bonus Chips for pre-registering will at least double (if not more). So please, just start doing it today - your TD will thank you!

Happy Holidays everyone!

The Team at World Tavern Poker

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© 2024 World Tavern Entertainment

5302 NC Hwy 55, Suite 101, Durham, NC 27713


Changes to the League can be made at anytime and without prior notice, including but not limited to: Prizes, Schedules, Structures and Qualifications.

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