Aug 24, 2023
Happy Friday everyone!
As we gear up for the quarterly Online National Championship event this Saturday and another Triple Crown Sunday the day after, check out all of our amazing winners and NEW CHAMPIONS from the month of August – well done all!
SPECIAL SHOUTOUT: Rance Strausbaugh is a machine! The player known as ‘rgsay’ on WTP Online dominated the previous quarter, taking home no less than four (4) Online Season Points Championships by being the top ranked player at four Online venues. Amazing job Rance!
Rance also took home an Online Tavern Championship last weekend and has earned six (yes, 6!!!) Triple Crown medallions over the past number of weeks. Incredible!
TD Smackdown: Rodney Lamontagne (New Hampshire)
Monthly Bankroll Championship:
1. viculp - Vic Culp
2. Iluvchips - Virginia Seeger
3. BAMA86 - Jeff Harris
4. Smiley77 - Christopher Miles
5. lumber557 - Don Guiton
6. millarr - Rich Millar
7. Rainyday8 - Charles Thompson
8. lilone1223x1 - Debra Connolly
9. RodSams - Rod Sams
10. super007 - Lenny Superville
11. THUNDER1890 - Dave George
12. Jglenn37 - Jeff Carter
13. dawn2k - Dawn Smith
14. Cuser - Greg Bender
15. kym - Kim Gabrielson
16. SEA - Sharon Adawin
Online TOC Champion: Jeff Hunt (North Carolina)
Online Season Points Champions:
Donnello - Donnell Oliver; Weekend Warrior
rgsay - Rance Strausbaugh; Noonerz
rgsay - Rance Strausbaugh; Day Drinkers
rgsay - Rance Strausbaugh; Hannah's
rgsay - Rance Strausbaugh; Twisted River
Ericw2676 - Eric Witkowski; The Muck Rebuy
Ericw2676 - Eric Witkowski; The Alligator Bar
Online Tavern Champions:
Weekend Warrior: Rance Strausbaugh (rgsay)
Noonerz: Jeannette Bloedorn (jmbvegas2)
Day Drinkers: Steve Ivans (Ivans)
Hannah's: Gary Thurmond (Gman1956)
Twisted River: John Gallagher (Moose)
The Muck: Christopher Fitzgerald (Cdxchase10)
Alligator Bar: Mark Lovern (playthaflop1)
Have an amazing weekend everyone! 😊