Nov 30, 2022
Hello everyone!
It is time once again to come together to give back to those in need this holiday season.
Our Toys & Cans for Chips promotion begins Thursday, December 1st and runs through December 31st. TD's, with the help of their players and venues, can choose between the Toys or Cans options - all details are on our INFO site here:
Keep in mind the bonus chips offered do not count against Bonus Chip Program maximums. This is a special league-wide promotion.
Additional Notes:
If your local shelters prefer monetary donations, please use their websites (do not bring monetary donations to WTP events please!).
We will be offering 5 Access Passes to the next OPEN or WLPC (TBA) in the drawing this year. However, giving is of course its own reward!
TD's: Please use the form located on the site linked above (and will be in the TD Newsletter coming on Thursday morning) to submit receipts and photos.
Toys & Cans For Chips benefits local children, homeless shelters, food banks, and more across the country. Let's all work together to help out these great causes in our local areas!
Thanks all - and we hope you have a great holiday season!
The Team at World Tavern Poker